Implant Dentures Pantego
Improved Comfort, Stability, and Esthetics

Nearly 180 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, but tens of millions are missing all of their teeth! While modern dentures do provide many benefits and remain affordable, they aren’t without their setbacks (especially in the long term). The good news is a denture can be paired with a series of dental implants placed throughout the mouth. Dr. Shah is trained to perform the entire process in-house for your convenience, so don’t wait to give South Arlington Dental Care a call to schedule your first consultation and learn if implant dentures in Pantego are right for you!
Why Choose South Arlington Dental Care for Implant Dentures?
- No Referrals Needed, Complete Dental Implant Process Provided In-House
- Dentist with Years of Advanced Training & Experience
- Enhanced Digital Dental Imaging to Ensure Accurate Results
What are Implant Dentures?

Dental implants are titanium posts designed to fuse with the jawbone and soft tissue and effectively replace the root portions of teeth. As a result, they are strong enough to hold a dedicated restoration such as a crown. Implant dentures take this technique a step further by holding a dedicated denture. While implant dentures can be placed on the top, bottom, or both arches, they can be customized further depending on your preference and your preexisting condition.
Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

Also known as a hybrid prosthesis, a fixed implant denture remains firmly in place and does not come out easily. In fact, only a dentist should remove it. In most cases, four to six dental implants are placed ahead of time, which means you’ll need sufficient bone tissue for this treatment to be viable.
Removable Implant Dentures

Commonly referred to as “snap-on dentures,” these come with clips or ball sockets that attach to the dental implants. However, this also allows them to be easily removed for cleaning. If your jawbone is not sufficient to hold a fixed implant denture, a removable option may be more feasible.
The Implant Denture Procedure

Following your consultation, we’ll confirm if you can safely receive dental implants and effectively support an implant denture. Dr. Shah holds the training necessary to place dental implants in-house, so you won’t need to travel to other offices just to complete surgery. During your procedure, small incisions are made in your gum tissue, and tiny holes are created in the bone for the implants to fit into. Then, the gum tissue is stitched closed so the implants can fuse with the jaw. After about four to six months, the implants will be fully healed, making them strong enough to hold your customized restoration.
Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

In most cases, adults who are in good oral and overall health can receive dental implants as well as implant dentures. With that said, you will need to undergo minor surgery and not have any preexisting oral health problems (i.e., gum disease and tooth decay). If you do, they will need to be resolved first, then you can revisit tooth replacement with dental implants. Additionally, if your jawbone tissue has deteriorated too much over time, bone grafting may be needed.
Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

It’s true that dental implants take more time to receive compared to bridges and dentures, but they are worth it for most, especially when you consider the benefits:
- Improved biting force (and therefore an expanded diet)
- Enhanced esthetics (reduced facial sagging and hollowing of the cheeks)
- Better longevity (averaging about 30+ years of use)
- Easier at-home oral care
- No shifting or sliding denture
- True reliability (success rates fall between 95 and 98%)
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